What is Sedeprivationism

 The school of thought, in Roman Catholicism, that the popes from John XXIII were defective because of their modernist views

What is a Sedeplenist

Sedeplenist may also be used to signify the minds of Catholics who believe the Novus Ordo popes are fully fledged popes and are truly in possession of the full authority promised by Christ to Saint Peter and his successors, yet have substantially erred in the teaching of the universal ordinary magisterium on matters of faith and morals. In their…Read More

What is Sedevacantism

Sedevacantism is the position held by some people who identify as Catholic that the present occupier of the Holy See is not truly the pope due to the mainstream church’s espousal of what they see as the heresy of modernism and that, for lack of a valid pope, the See has been vacant since the death…Read More

What is the Magisterium

The term magisterium is based on the Latin word for “teacher” (magister). In contemporary Catholic usage, it has several meanings. First, it refers to the teaching authority which Christ has given to the Church. Here the term refers to the authority itself, not those who exercise it. This usage appears in statements like, “The Church exercises its magisterium when…Read More

What is the Deposit of Faith

The Deposit of Faith ( depositum fidei) is the body of revealed truth in the Scriptures and Tradition proposed by the Roman Catholic Church for the belief of the faithful. 

Who has Ecclesiastical authority

Ecclesiastical authority (potestas sacra) is the authority which the Church has been given by Jesus Christ to be exercised in his name in carrying out the mission entrusted to it. Sedevacantists do not usurp any ecclesiastical authority in arriving at the conclusion that Francis is not the Pope, because this conclusion is not arrived at by means of putative “legal”…Read More